Reading time: 20 min. | Difficulty: Intermediate | Article type: Tips & Tricks
Published on 2022/01/30 | DLast modification: 2022/02/01
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Are you looking to buy Instagram followers cheap?
Before you do that, you need to learn how to grow your Instagram followers organically.
The only real way you can ever profit from your Instagram account is if it has organic followers and more importantly, engaged followers.
Organic followers are real people who have found your Instagram channel through search engines, feeds, and shares. They are likely interested in the type of content that you publish on your channel. If you were to become an influencer and promote relevant products or services to your organic followers, then you could make a lot of money.
The question is, how do you grow your Instagram account organically? Well, it involves a combination of purchasing hits to your channel and promoting your channel. You will learn more about that below.
Let’s examine the top ten ways to grow your Instagram account organically.
Buy Instagram Views
What ???
Yes. in some case, it may helps. It’s a psychological behaviour that you may want to test.
“If so many people viewed it … I might also like to view it !”
Organic followers will come to your Instagram channel if its posts have a high number of views. After you make a couple of posts with relevant niche-based content, you should buy Instagram views for them. It is an easy way to boost the ranking of your posts so that people will pay more attention to them.
The proper way to build organic followers is to get views. If you have good content posted, then your views can be converted into followers.
Buy Instagram Likes
What ???
Again, Yes. in some case, it may also helps. It’s another psychological behaviour that you may want to take advantage of.
“If so many people liked it … I have to like to like it ! … and maybe follow this account”
Wait for your posts to gain enough views. You should see organic followers accumulate from those views. The next step is to buy Instagram likes for your posts so that you can continue the trend. Likes indicate that your viewers actually enjoyed the content they observed.
If new viewers see a high number of likes on your posts, then it will convince them that you post high-quality content. That will make them want to follow your channel and keep checking back in the future for more great content.
Schedule Your Instagram Posts
Instagram feeds fill up very quickly, especially if users follow a lot of different people. That is why you should post your content at popular times of the day when users are active. Instagram has analytics tools that let you see which times of day that people visited your posts. This can help you determine when to schedule your future posts.
As a rule of thumb, you should post your content at 11 AM on Wednesday, and at Noon on Tuesday and Friday. Engagement with most niches is usually high during these times. But again, verify these times with the Instagram Analytics tools to make sure they are good times to post.
Run Contests Consistently
Contests are a creative way to attract attention to your Instagram channel. It will create excitement around your channel and make people want to follow it. Just promote your contest to as many people as possible, including on your Facebook and Twitter accounts too.
Your connections will likely share your post with their connections, which will spread the word of your contest to more people. The contest could be a promotional giveaway or discount on your products or services. You could even offer to promote someone else’s products or services for free as part of your contest. Think creatively and have fun with it.
Connect with Other Influencers
There are a growing number of Instagram influencers in a variety of niches. One effective way to grow organic traffic is to connect with other influencers in your niche.
In a typical scenario, you would both follow each other and comment on each other’s posts. Either that or you would pay them to promote your products or services on their channel. As long as their followers get exposure to your content, that is the primary goal. Their followers will likely want to follow your channel because it is in the same niche.
Reply to Comments
Organic traffic needs to stay engaged with your content for as long as possible. You can help make that happen by engaging with the traffic too. Anytime you see comments posted on your photographs or videos, reply to those comments with a positive message.
You’ll want to make your followers feel like you’re a real person who cares about their opinions. It will go a long way in increasing engagement time on your posts in the future.
Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups is a section of Facebook where you can have discussions with other people about specific topics, such as content related to your niche. Since Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the world, you should utilize it to the best of its ability to promote your channel.
Don’t just join various groups and blatantly promote your channel. You need to have a real conversation and casually suggest your Instagram channel as something relevant to the discussion. When people go to see your channel, they likely want to follow it.
Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads is a pay per click advertising platform that lets you promote your advertisements on Facebook. It gives you lots of tools for setting up your advertising campaigns and allowing your ads to be seen by the right people. Since Facebook owns Instagram, there are integrated tools specifically designed for promoting your Instagram channel.
Start with a small advertising budget on Facebook Ads and test out various campaign strategies. Try to target the proper demographics and locations so that you can maximize the engagement to your Instagram channel.
Hire Freelancers to Help Create Content
Do you have limited hardware technology on your smartphone? Are you terrible at photography and videography? If so, then you should hire a professional photographer or videographer to create some content for you.
Even though Instagram content is supposed to be captured on your phone, you can still have professionally produced content uploaded to your channel. You simply need to hire someone who knows about lighting, angling, and how to capture the best quality shots possible.
Consistent Posts
You must keep your Instagram account alive and active. Keep posting content to your Instagram channel each week and never give up on it. That way, your Instagram followers do not lose track of your channel and forget what it is about.
Consistent posting will also keep your posts active in Instagram feeds and searches. Then you can continue to attract organic followers and traffic from your posts.
You should never stop trying to seek more organic traffic for your Instagram channel. Even if you have 20,000 followers or some other small number, it can quickly grow into a vast number of followers as time goes on.
It all depends on how much time and effort you want to devote to your Instagram channel.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How much money does 1k Instagram followers make?
Many brands will only offer you free products. But, some companies will pay $10 per 1,000 followers, while others pay over $800 per 1,000 followers. You can maximize the money you make when you publish sponsored photos.
Is Buying Instagram Followers legal?
Although there has been no legal code to prohibit the buying and selling of Instagram followers, many companies have been operating without a problem in this business. Using paid followers is against the Instagram Terms of Service. So in this case, the business is indeed legal.
Do celebrities buy followers on Instagram?
Brands have gotten better at spotting fake followers, usually by calculating a celebrity’s engagement rates. So some celebrities have adjusted: not only are they buying followers, they’re also buying likes to make sure their engagement rate looks high at first glance.
How do I monetize my Instagram?
To enable monetization on Instagram you need to switch to a Creator Account and be approved by a brand to be able to tag their products in your post.
How fast can you grow Instagram followers?
Before you hit a thousand followers Instagram will usually let you follow anywhere from 200 to 400 people a day. Assuming that about 10% of people will follow you back, you should be able to get 1000 followers within two months.
Why are my posts not reaching my followers ?
When people follow you, Instagram knowns they would like to view your content. So even if Instagram doesn’t show your posts to a majority of your followers at first, it may get picked up by the algorithm and end up on your followers’ feeds later on.
How many followers do you need to get paid?
With a few thousand followers on Instagram these days, it’s easy to ask yourself: When can I start making money doing this? The good news is, there’s no strict minimum. Three influencers Insider interviewed — all with under 3,000 Instagram followers — said they got paid by brands to post to their small audiences.